Liability and Risk
- Hazing
- Insurance
- Ghost Members
- Perps
- Sexual Assault (External)
- Sexual Assault/Predatory Behavior (Internal)
- Social Events
This enhanced platform is based on (1) Alpha Phi Alpha’s Mission Statement and Vision Statement; (2) the 2006 Strategic Plan under Past General President Darryl R. Matthews, Sr.’s (32nd) Administration; (3) signature initiatives under the administrations of Past General Presidents Everett B. Ward (35th), Mark S. Tillman (34th), Herman “Skip” Mason, Jr. (33rd), Harry E. Johnson, Sr.(31st), Adrian L. Wallace (30th), Milton C. Davis (29th), Henry Ponder (28th), Charles C. Teamer, Sr. (27th), Ozell Sutton (26th), and James R. Williams (25th); (4) consultation with brothers (friends and colleagues) who are content-matter experts in student affairs, hazing, insurance, non-profit board governance, organizational behavior, retention/reclamation, mentoring, philanthropy, social justice, and public policy; (5) broad array of research on the history, culture, issues, and solutions related to college fraternities and sororities, generally as well as National Pan-Hellenic Council organizations, specifically; (6) feedback from rank-and-file brothers as well as Chapter officers about their hopes and wishes for Alpha, needs for support, and personal best-practices; and (7) additional consultation with past and current Board of Directors members, national Committee Chairs, General Office staff (especially Executive Directors), and District Directors about challenges, opportunities and best ways forward.
You, the brotherhood, get to decide if this enhanced platform will provide us with a running start for the change that we keep saying Alpha needs. You will decide that by how you cast your votes and what you desire to focus on and work toward. A Gregory Parks Administration would seek to incorporate ideas and any Strategic Plan from General President Willis L. Lonzer, III Administration. More importantly, if elected General President, I will continue to seek feedback and insight from brothers.