Alpha Senior Leadership Endorses
Brother Gregory S. Parks, J.D., Ph.D.
Dear Brothers:
We write to express our strong support for Brother Gregory Parks’ candidacy to be our Fraternity’s 37th General President. The undersigned brothers have served on Alpha Phi Alpha’s Board of Directors, as District Directors, and as Executive Directors, and we are knowledgeable about Alpha’s governance and day-to-day operations at the highest levels. Our service to Alpha has spanned generations, and our insight about Alpha’s challenges and opportunities is broad and deep. Each of us has an abiding and profound love for Alpha, and we want what is best for it, the brotherhood, and our communities. We are confident that Brother Parks possess the skillset and embodies the fraternal spirit necessary to advance our collective mission and objectives effectively.
These are extraordinary times for our Fraternity and, quite frankly, our nation. Together, we must push beyond the traditional regional, district, chapter, and personal biases that too often reinforce the status quo. The question for us, given the extraordinary challenges that Alpha must address—some longstanding and some new—is which candidate desires, and has the capacity, to lead us to address those challenges? We seek a General President who is ethical, visionary, innovative, and transformational—one who can coalesce Alpha’s human, intellectual, and financial resources for the greatest good.
While Alpha is in a strong position to do transformative work—internally and externally—to do so, we must address a range of issues in the areas of (1) advocacy and service, (2) college and alumni relations, (3) governance, (4) liability and risk, (5) membership, (6) structure and operations, and (7) recognizing the past while creating a sustainable future. Given these challenges, Brother Parks offers a shared vision for what a substantially better future for Alpha would look like and how we can most effectively get there. He has drawn on the hopes of brothers, practical wisdom of Alpha leaders, and insights from content-matter experts.
We are committed to not only helping him get elected; we are also committed to helping Brother Parks, in large and small ways, bring about the changes needed for a more vibrant brotherhood and fraternity that rises to the occasion. We are ready for the Fraternity we have been hoping for; one that achieves its highest and greatest potential. We ask you to join us in this effort!
Brother Aaron Brumfield (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, West)
Brother Abdul Muhammad (District Director, Kentucky)
Brother Adrian Scott, M.B.A. (Past Associate Executive Director)
Brother Anthony Billinger (Past District Director, Missouri)
Brother C. Dexter Holloway (Past District Director, Mississippi)
Brother Calvert Jeffers, D.D.S. (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, South)
Brother Charles Piphus (Past District Director, Kentucky)
Brother Charlie Walker (Past District Director, Great Northwest)
Brother Cheyjuan Martin (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, Southwest)
Brother Corye Franklin (Past District Director, Indiana)
Brother Daniel Craddock (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, West)
Brother Daryl Peal (Past Regional Vice President, Midwest)
Brother Demond Means, Ed.D. (Past District Director, Wisconsin)
Brother Donne Young, J.D. (Past District Director, Great Northwest)
Brother Ed Goins (Past District Director, Kentucky)
Brother Ervin Griffin, IV (Past District Director, West Virginia)
Brother Fredrick Cox (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, Midwest)
Brother Hampton Trigg, II (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, East)
Brother Herman Washington (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, Midwest)
Brother Jamaal Richardson (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, East)
Brother Jamie Riley, Ph.D. (Past Executive Director)
Brother Javier Gutierrez (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, West)
Brother John Sharkey (Past District Director, Nebraska)
Brother Keith Harris (Past District Director, Nebraska)
Brother Kevin Cooke, II (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, Midwest)
Brother Kevin Wilbert, I (Past District Director, Mississippi)
Brother Labarron Mack (Past District Director, Alabama)
Brother Larry McCrimager (Past District Director, Ohio)
Brother Larry Softley, M.S., M.B.A. (Past District Director, Alabama)
Brother Laurence Aikens (Past District Director, North Carolina)
Brother Lee Jackson (Past District Director, Kentucky)
Brother Leroy Lowery, III (Past Regional Vice President, East)
Brother Marcus Payne (Past District Director, Illinois)
Brother Maurice Spence (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, South)
Brother Michael Blake (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, Midwest)
Brother Randy Hodge (Past District Director, Kansas)
Brother Richard Graves (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, Midwest)
Brother Richard Hitchens (Past District Director, Nebraska)
Brother Rickey Thigpen Ph.D. (Past District Director, Mississippi)
Brother Sean Rogers, Ph.D. (Past District Director, Tri-State)
Brother Stanley Freeman (Past District Director, Great Northwest)
Brother Steven Sims, M.B.A. (Past Comptroller)
Brother Stuart Lott, J.D. (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, South)
Brother Taurean Branch (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, East)
Brother Theo Hamiter (Past District Director, Indiana)
Brother Theotto Lillard (Past District Director, Iowa)
Brother Thomas Brown (Past District Director, Great Northwest)
Brother Trenton Williams (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, South)
Brother Vernon Jackson (Past Assistant Regional Vice President, West)
Brother Walter Henry (Past District Director, Kansas)
Brother Willis Baird (Past District Director, North Carolina)